Wednesday, Jul 17, 2019 | CHINESE
The Second Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation

Li Keqiang Meets with Prime Minister Imran Khan of Pakistan

15:48, April 29, 2019  

On April 28, 2019, Premier Li Keqiang met with Prime Minister Imran Khan of Pakistan at the Diaoyutai State Guesthouse.

Li Keqiang noted that with a profound traditional friendship, China and Pakistan have enjoyed firm mutual support on issues concerning each other’s core interests for a long time. The Chinese side appreciates the Pakistani side’s devotion to promoting bilateral relations and cooperation, and firmly supports the Pakistani side in safeguarding its national independence, sovereignty, territorial integrity and legitimate rights and interests, and in independently choosing its domestic and foreign policies in line with its national conditions. We are willing to work with the Pakistani side to intensify high-level contacts, deepen practical cooperation, align the Belt and Road Initiative with the Pakistani side's development strategies, and jointly build a closer China-Pakistan community with a shared future. China will further promote the construction of the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC), and expand bilateral cooperation in the areas of energy, environmental protection, industries and people's livelihood. The Chinese side stands ready to enhance coordination with the Pakistani side in international and regional affairs to safeguard the shared interests of both countries and also that of other developing countries.

Imran Khan expressed that Pakistan and China are iron brothers who share a long-standing friendship. The Pakistani side thanks China for its consistent strong support, and will firmly stand together with the Chinese side. New progress has been made in the construction of the CPEC, with remarkable and fruitful results from bilateral cooperation. The accusation that China has made Pakistan fall into debt trap is completely inconsistent with the facts. The Pakistani side stands ready to, together with the Chinese side, further enhance integration, expand cooperation in special economic zone under the framework of the CPEC, strengthen green development and environmental protection cooperation, and intensify communication and coordination in international and regional affairs.

After the meeting, Premier Li Keqiang and Prime Minister Imran Khan witnessed together the signing of multiple bilateral cooperation documents.

Xiao Jie attended the meeting.