Wednesday, Jul 17, 2019 | CHINESE
The Second Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation

Li Keqiang Meets with Secretary-General of the United Nations (UN) António Guterres

17:39, April 27, 2019  

On April 26, 2019, Premier Li Keqiang met with Secretary-General of the United Nations (UN) António Guterres at the Diaoyutai State Guesthouse.

Li Keqiang said the current complicated international situation calls for the UN to play a central role in international affairs. As a permanent member of the UN Security Council and the largest developing country, China firmly upholds multilateralism, the international system with the UN at its core and the multilateral trading system with the World Trade Organization at its core. If the world wants peace and development, it should follow the principles and spirit of the UN Charter. Only in this way can peace of mankind be maintained in a lasting way, and economic growth be promoted. It also helps to create a sound international environment for bilateral cooperation among countries. China supports the UN in playing an important role in international affairs and stands ready to maintain close cooperation with the UN and its agencies, advance the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, strengthen South-South cooperation, deepen North-South cooperation, and jointly address climate change and other complex issues to safeguard world peace, stability and prosperity.

António Guterres said that multilateralism is facing severe challenges at present, and we need multilateralism and multilateral mechanisms and cooperation more than ever before. Only by adhering to multilateralism can we achieve the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, reduce poverty, tackle climate change and other major issues facing mankind, narrow the development gap between North and South, and achieve common development. The Belt and Road Initiative put forward by China is conducive to promoting the UN development goals and effectively addressing global challenges. It is an opportunity for all.